Can I get pregnant?

When can you or can you not get pregnant? Talk about prevention in a playful way with this game board.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

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Paso 1

Make an arrow

Cut out an arrow from a piece of paper or cardboard.


Paso 2

Attach the arrow

Attach the arrow to the printed out game board with a split pin.

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Player 1 spins the arrow and ends up on one of the 11 depicted situations (see extra game information).


Ask player 1 if he/she thinks you can get pregnant in this situation and verify the answer.


You can open up the discussion during and/or after the game and talk about sex and safe sex in general by asking the players more questions and by giving some information and tips yourself.

Información extra del juego

  • The game board depicts 11 situations:
  1. Having sex
  2. Shaking hands
  3. Using two condoms
  4. Kissing
  5. Having/giving oral sex
  6. Having sex for the first time
  7. Using contraceptives
  8. Hugging
  9. Having sex standing up
  10. Having a relationship with a same-sex partner
  11. Ruptured condom
  • StreetSmart Wheels partners can attach the rotation disc to this game board, so players can play the game on their own and immediately see the correct answer.
  • This activity is a part of the StreetSmart sexuality package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools they need to address the topic of sexuality in a playful way with the children and young people they work with, so they can learn to make conscious, healthy and respectful decisions. Sexuality is a very broad term, encompassing various subtopics. Here, you can find a list of all activities included in our sexuality package to address these different topics:
  1. Sexuality in general: The Sex Alphabet, The Sexuality Goose Game, Yes or No Circle, Sexuality Statement Game
  2. Body (development): Anatomy fundamentals, Who has what?, Physical changes in puberty, Emotional changes in puberty, Life Cycle
  3. Boundaries: Stop!, People to People, Kiss the Teddy Bear, Body Carrousel, (Not) Okay?, Body Twister 
  4. Relationships: Choose Your Relationship, My Ideal Partner, In The Worst Way Possible
  5. Gender & sexual orientation: Labels, Sex Change, Who does what?
  6. Safe sex: The Synonym Game, Condom Smugglers, Goodie Bag, STD-Roulette, Can I get pregnant?
  7. Sex & media: Who is responsible?

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