Who is responsible?

Reflect on the responsibility of offenders and victims in different cases regarding sex and media during this interesting game.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • A piece of rope
  • 1 piece of paper per player
  • Pens
  • 1 clothespin per player
  • A list with different situations regarding sex and media (see additional game info)

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Hang up a "clothesline" (a piece of rope) in a room or put it on the ground.


Give each player a piece of paper and ask them to write down their name on it. Give each player 1 clothespin as well.


Explain that the clothesline represents a scale. The far left represents the offender, the far right the victim.


Read one of the statements (see additional game info) out loud.


The players decide who bears most responsibility for the outcome of the situation.


They visualise their answer by attaching their name on the clothespin. The closer they attach their name to the offender, the more responsibility they think he/she has and the other way around.


Afterwards, asks some players to say why they put their name where they put it.


Have a more in-depth discussion at the end of the game (after having read some or all of the statements), asking questions such as:

  • Has a similar situation ever happened to someone you know/to you?
  • How did or would you react in this situation?
  • Is it always your fault if something like this happens?
  • Who can play a role in situations like these?
  • Who generally bears most responsibility in this type of situations: the offender or the victim. Why?
  • If someone does something consciously, are they automatically guilty?
  • What do you do if someone sends you a nude?
  • How can you sext in a safe way?
  • ...

With the players discuss how you can sext in a safe way, e.g.: ask consent, make clear agreements and respect them, don't share nude pictures with others, do not pressure others or let yourself be pressured, if you send a nude make sure your face is not visible and that the background is not recognisable, ...

Información extra del juego

  • Examples of statements:
  1. A girl takes pictures of herself and sends them to a friend to ask if she looks fat. Her friend sends the picture to two other girls. One week later the entire school has seen the picture, captioned "Look at this whale!"
  2. A girl publicly posts a picture of herself in underwear on Facebook. She removes the pictures upon advice of her friends. However, the picture has already been downloaded and spread. Two years later, the girl is still being harassed by boys and men she doesn't know.
  3. During a class visit to the pool, someone pulls down a boy's pants. Someone else takes a picture of it and posts it online.
  4. A girl sends pictures of her ex to his new girlfriend with sarcastic messages such as "Good luck with this" and "Been there, done that".
  5. For fun, a boy photoshopped the head of a classmate on a Playboy-cover and posted it on Instagram. When the classmate asks him to remove the picture, he does so immediately, but the photo has spread quickly and almost the entire school has seen it.
  6. A boy exchanges intimate pictures with one of his friends. They agreed not to send the pictures to others. One day, he receives the picture of his penis from another friend. His friend claims his phone was hacked and that is how the picture was spread.
  7. ...
  • This activity is a part of the StreetSmart sexuality package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools they need to address the topic of sexuality in a playful way with the children and young people they work with, so they can learn to make conscious, healthy and respectful decisions. Sexuality is a very broad term, encompassing various subtopics. Here, you can find a list of all activities included in our sexuality package to address these different topics:
  1. Sexuality in general: The Sex Alphabet, The Sexuality Goose Game, Yes or No Circle, Sexuality Statement Game
  2. Body (development): Anatomy fundamentals, Who has what?, Physical changes in puberty, Emotional changes in puberty, Life Cycle
  3. Boundaries: Stop!, People to People, Kiss the Teddy Bear, Body Carrousel, (Not) Okay?, Body Twister 
  4. Relationships: Choose Your Relationship, My Ideal Partner, In The Worst Way Possible
  5. Gender & sexual orientation: Labels, Sex Change, Who does what?
  6. Safe sex: The Synonym Game, Condom Smugglers, Goodie Bag, STD-Roulette, Can I get pregnant?
  7. Sex & media: Who is responsible?

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Reflect on the responsibility of offenders and victims in different cases regarding sex and media.
  • Reflect on the pros and cons of sexting.
  • Learning guidelines to sext in a safe way.

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