
Talk about the labels we give/get to/from ourselves and others and the stereotypes related to those labels during this accessible game.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • 1 printable label per player
  • Paper or blackboard
  • Pens or chalk

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


The game leader mentions which labels he/she thinks others might use to give a description of who he/she is, e.g.: woman, heterosexual, mother, divorcee, feminist, vegetarian, workaholic, sloppy, "green",...


Ask the players to think about the labels others use to classify them.


Ask them to write down the label they hate most on a printable label and to stick it on.


The players now walk around and look at the labels others are wearing. They can ask each other questions about it.


Reflect on the activity by asking questions such as:

  • Were many labels similar or were there a lot of differences?
  • Do you understand why people chose the labels they chose and why they are hurtful?
  • How are you confronted with labels about yourself?
  • How do you deal with those labels?
  • Why do you think people give labels to others?
  • Do you give yourself labels as well?
  • Are there labels you do like?
  • ...

Now, discuss the characteristics we automatically associate with different labels. Ask the players, e.g.: "What do you think of when you hear the label 'vegetarian'?".


Write down all the words on a piece of paper or on a blackboard.


Ask the players which words, in their opinion are related to stereotypes about vegetarians and circle or underline them.


Ask the vegetarian players which characteristics associated with the label 'vegetarian' apply to them and which don't.


Repeat the same process with some or all of the other labels. By talking about the labels "girl"/"woman" and "boy"/"men", e.g., you can address gender stereotypes.

Información extra del juego

  • This activity is a part of the StreetSmart sexuality package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools they need to address the topic of sexuality in a playful way with the children and young people they work with, so they can learn to make conscious, healthy and respectful decisions. Sexuality is a very broad term, encompassing various subtopics. Here, you can find a list of all activities included in our sexuality package to address these different topics:
  1. Sexuality in general: The Sex Alphabet, The Sexuality Goose Game, Yes or No Circle, Sexuality Statement Game
  2. Body (development): Anatomy fundamentals, Who has what?, Physical changes in puberty, Emotional changes in puberty, Life Cycle
  3. Boundaries: Stop!, People to People, Kiss the Teddy Bear, Body Carrousel, (Not) Okay?, Body Twister 
  4. Relationships: Choose Your Relationship, My Ideal Partner, In The Worst Way Possible
  5. Gender & sexual orientation: Labels, Sex Change, Who does what?
  6. Safe sex: The Synonym Game, Condom Smugglers, Goodie Bag, STD-Roulette, Can I get pregnant?
  7. Sex & media: Who is responsible?
  • This game was inspired on a game shared by Sensoa (source: Love Needs Learning)

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Get an insight into the labels we give/get to/from ourselves and others.
  • Reflect on the stereotypes related to those labels.
  • Realise how stereotypical our own thinking can be.

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