Anatomy Fundamentals

Correctly name and draw different body parts during this fun game and, step by step, learn how the human body works.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Big sheets of paper or cardboard
  • Markers or pencils
  • Coins
  • Optional: tape

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


One of the male players and one of the female players each lie down on a big piece of paper or cardboard. Two other players draw their silhouettes.


Put the male and female silhouettes on the ground/a table or attach them to a wall with tape and have the players form a circle so everybody can see them.


Player 1 throws a coin on one the silhouette of his/her choosing. Player 1 names the correct body part of the place where the coin lands (if he/she knows the name) and draws it on the silhouette: e.g. eyes, nose, kidney, liver, uterus, penis, ...


Ask follow-up questions:

  • Is this the correct name for this body part?
  • Are there other synonyms we use for this body part?
  • How does this body part work?
  • Does this body part look and work the same on a girl's/boy's body?
  • ...

The players can help each other out and look up information on how to draw body parts or on how specific body parts work.


Then, the next player throws a coin, etc.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This activity is a part of the StreetSmart sexuality package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools they need to address the topic of sexuality in a playful way with the children and young people they work with, so they can learn to make conscious, healthy and respectful decisions.


Sexuality is a very broad term, encompassing various subtopics. Here, you can find a list of all activities included in our sexuality package to address these different topics:

  1. Sexuality in general: The Sex Alphabet, The Sexuality Goose Game, Yes or No Circle, Sexuality Statement Game
  2. Body (development): Anatomy fundamentals, Who has what?, Physical changes in puberty, Emotional changes in puberty, Life Cycle
  3. Boundaries: Stop!, People to People, Kiss the Teddy Bear, Body Carrousel, (Not) Okay?, Body Twister 
  4. Relationships: Choose Your Relationship, My Ideal Partner, In The Worst Way Possible
  5. Gender & sexual orientation: Labels, Sex Change, Who does what?
  6. Safe sex: The Synonym Game, Condom Smugglers, Goodie Bag, STD-Roulette, Can I get pregnant?
  7. Sex & media: Who is responsible?


  • Difficulty: You can easily make the game more or less difficult depending on the knowledge and age of the players. Small children can just name the different body parts (including the penis and the vagina) and explain in their own words what those body parts do. Bigger children can learn more about the workings of our body.
  • Images: You can provide images yourself (instead of having the players draw them) of e.g. organs, the reproductive system,... to attach to the silhouette so you can discuss the way these body parts work.
  • Blind artist: Divide the players into small groups. Give each group a big piece of paper/cardboard and ask them to draw the silhouette of one of the players. Attach the drawn silhouettes to a wall. One player of each group is put in front of that group's silhouette, blindfolded. The game leader mentions a body part. All blindfolded players now try to draw that body part in the correct place on their silhouette. The other players of the group cannot give instructions. The blindfolded player that drew the body part the closest to where it's supposed to be gets 1 point. Repeat this exercise a few times, so all players can draw at least once. The team with most points at the end wins the game.
  • (Not) beautiful: Form pairs. The players will draw each other's silhouette. Now, each player takes his/her silhouette. They draw 3 green dots on the parts of their body that they are happy about. They draw 3 red dots on the parts of their body that they do not like/are unhappy about. If they are not unhappy about any body part, they don't draw any red dots. Discuss.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn how to correctly name and draw different body parts.
  • Learn differences and similarities between a girl/woman's body and a boy/men's body.
  • Learn how the human body works.

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